7-Week Course



  hours  minutes  seconds


3rd June – 18th July 2024

Re-Create Yourself

Release limitations & create space from within and around you to fully experience life. 

Public registration starts on the 3rd May 2024

If you find yourself..

feeling overwhelm with life situations, in need of break from the mundane routine, facing stagnation with difficulty to make progress in life, experiencing tensions from the body..

It is time to pause, declutter, and make a little tweak in your daily habits.

This Live course bring attention back to your body with the understanding of basic daily habits. Perspectives and tools are presented so you can make conscious decisions to better manage your energy, body and time organically. Thus, opening up your experience in life.

“There is nothing more powerful than a changed mind.”

Understand Your Patterns

You get what you repeated. You are what you choose.

Habits are the compound interest of self improvement. Once you learn the impact of daily habits and the benefits of slow pace transformation, the effects comes from it will multiply.

Each habits of any kind either bring you something or cost you something. One might not see the consequences unless it shows or it hits us, badly.

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Instead of feeling intimated, overwhelmed, numbed, or worried, start making the first step. Acknowledge what is, remove clutters, and take action.

At every given moment, you have 2 choices to stay or to move. What would you choose if you want to make a change?

Meet Yourself..

Start paying attention to what drags you and what makes you feel better in life.

Be your own scientist and explorer at the same time.

The 7-week course is design to guide you to support your journey in crafting your desired lifestyle via your basic habits (mental and lifestyle) so you stop procrastinating and start progressing. If you have been progressing, this helps to smoothen the process.


Declutter and re-organise your basic habits.


Aware of your habits pattern and your body sensations.


Create your desired routine of eat, move, sleep.

One time payment of USD600 or USD330 for 2 months.

Public Registration opens 3rd May

You have to create space; you have to remove something; you have to break something down in your life, in order to bring in the new.

During our 7-week together, we will..

Remove clutters & interruptions

so you can make space and focus on you, your loved ones, and your work.

Work on managing your energy during the day

by understanding how your body and mind works so you can make decisions better.

Learn to build a relationship with your body

relaxing your mind controlling grip by tuning to the basic needs of sleep, eat, and move.

Tools for awareness & relax your grip with self regulation + co-regulation

by practising somatic experiencing with your sensations in the body especially during overwhelming situations.

Explore mental nodes and mindset

recognising how various perspectives might create a shift or release your limitations which expand your ‘container’ for life stimulants.

Widen your comfort zones

by making simple and consistent shifts daily and increase your capacity to be, do, create, earn and contribute.

Thank you Ms Vic Qi Pan brought these slow hand movement exercises to the participants. They were able to follow relaxingly while listening to the soft music as if we were dancing along with it. Following the flow of movements you are able to feel its effectiveness. Another good form of exercises.

A senior care taker in Alzheimer Disease Foundation Malaysia

3rd June to 18th July 2024

Program Calendar

7 weeks. 12 meetings. 60 min sessions

Mondays at 12pm-1pm GMT+8: Session + Q&A (optional)

Thursdays at 12pm-1pm GMT+8: Practice + Q&A (optional)

All sessions are recorded for those who cannot attend live.

You will have daily support from me along with other participants through a private online platform just for this course period. You will receive weekly PDF for summary with exercises and reflection that you can download.

Public Registration Opens May 3rd

What You Will Be Learning Weekly

People often want the icing without the cake. But what are you putting it on? These 7-week serves as the foundation for you to be aware and take better action which serves your growth in the coming timeline.

Week 1: Free up your resources & limitations – Declutter, experiencing emotions, aware of your shadow aspects. Practice – Breathing, Grounding, Body Scan, Shaking, qigong inspired movement, creative expression + what to release.

Week 2: Assess & understand dopamine, addictions, and your daily habits on eating, moving, sleeping. Practice – Breathing, Grounding, Body Scan, creating awareness from the feet to hip, creative expression + your addictions & daily habits.

Week 3: Understand and create the intention with baby steps action on daily habits. Practice – Breathing, Grounding, Body Scan, creating awareness from the spine to shoulder, creative expression + your daily habits.

Week 4: Understand the body intelligence, anatomy, and be aware of the senses. Practice – Breathing, Grounding, Body Scan, creating awareness from the hands to head, creative expression + your body needs.

Week 5: Understand the emotional intelligence, making and breaking habits. Practice – Breathing, Grounding, Body Scan, creating awareness of your shadow + light, creative expression + review your new habits.

Week 6: Understanding the polarisation of light & dark, and the free energy. Practice- Breathing, Grounding, Body Scan, creating awareness of free energy, creative expression + how to sustain your personal practice.

Week 7: Recap and experience the unity of the mind and heart. Practice – Breathing, Grounding, Body Scan, creating your own habits and personal practice, creative expression + your insights & wisdom.

Your guide

I am Pan Vic Qi (Abbhya), a somatic guide and educator.

My awareness of the body-mind connection begins when I experienced the 10-day Vipassana meditation during my mid twenties. I went onto the field of human connection & self connection (body-mind-heart) by organising & faciltating wellness related events with a community initiative. Then, I rediscovered the power of slow and gentle body movement and started to guide people via free-flow movement practices.

Participated Integrative Somatic Arts Teacher Training Course with Unity Space opened up my world and perspectives. Since then, I am diving deeper into understanding how the body works and with somatic practices, it has since become the foundation of my work.

To support the journey of ‘makers’ – ones that create their own reality, I put on my insights, personal practices into this course so that people could be more aware and begin building a relationship with their bodies.

For more information on me and my work, listen to Abbhya’s Diary podcast. This course is just the beginning of the sharing which I am constantly refining and refreshing.

You are also supporting the journey of my creation and further studies.

The 7-Week Course Costs:

The cost of this course if $600 with a one-time payment

or $330 for 2 months payment plan.

Public Registration Opens 3rd May


How does this work?

This is an online group course where it is only open for 8 people. You will be supported via private group chats within the course period. Besides the live course (session with practices), weekly learnings + practices will be emailed to you. Once you register on the 3rd May onwards, you will have the access to the e-guidebook.

Is this course money-back guaranteed?

Yes, if you don’t feel like receiving the benefits from the course, your investment will be return, only if you email within 2 weeks after the course ended with valid reasons.

When is the next Course?

–> The 2nd 7-week course begins on the 5th August to 19th September 2024. [Every Monday & Thursday] Timing might be different.

August: 5th, 8th, 12th, 15th, 19th, 22st, 26th, 29th.

September: 2nd, 5th, 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th.

–> The last 7-week course begins on the 1st October to 14th November 2024. [Every Tuesday & Thursday] Timing might be different.

October: 1st, 3rd, 8th, 10th, 15th, 17th, 22nd, 24th, 29th, 31st.

November: 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th.

Email to viqipan@gmail.com for further enquiries.

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